Coexisting With Animals We Fear
“The legacy of change is education. People won’t exist with animals they fear.” ~ DR. LYNN ROGERS NABC/WRI FOUNDER
If you stop and think about it, there’s a lot of truth in that, a daunting, inescapable truth.
This reminds me of a story my dad used to tell me. When I was a young child he was away from home working in Alaska. The men were living in a camp and one night a kodiak bear got into the camp and broke into the place where they had their food stored.
They didn’t want the bear in the camp, so they killed it.
Now as an adult, I look back on this story and so many questions pop into my head. Of course, it was absolutely necessary for the men to be safe, but was it necessary to kill the bear in the process? What were their other options? So many questions and I will never know the answer to them.
To be in an animistic place of true kinship with animals we need to educate ourselves about the animals with whom we live in close proximity. We need to realize we live in a society where the common attitude is humans have dominion over animals and that attitude benefits the humans much more than the animals.I mean, if you think about it, we’re the ones encroaching on their territory.
We are in a both/and relationship with the animals, not an either/or relationship.
Here’s an invitation for you to join me on this path. I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you.
My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. To find out more visit my website
Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!
Janet Roper is a podcaster, intuitive practitioner and mentor who for 20+ years has helped people restructure their relationship with animals. Two of her most popular resources are her monthly newsletter and her podcast True Kinship With Animals. Visit her website to learn more.