The Cat Who Claimed Her Name
Is there a way you can tell if you’re moving toward true kinship with animals? Sure, you betcha. Let’s talk about domesticated animals and their names.
Names are highly personal and an important part of their identity, representing how they show up in our world. Is it possible they can claim their own name?
I visited a humane society looking for a cat and spotted an aging female I thought would be a good fit. I asked if she would like to join our family and after hearing about us (me, 2 cats, 2 dogs and a horse), our lifestyle and what that might mean to her, she agreed to join us.
Her name was Mitzie, but I renamed her Hunny Bunny. She didn’t like it when I called her Hunny Bunny but I thought it was just a matter of getting used to the new name.
The longer I called her by that name, the more aggravated she became until finally an 8 pound little monster was unleashed in the house.
When asked why she was so angry she snapped “My name is Mitzie, NOT Hunny Bunny!”
A perfect example of what can happen when we pull that human card of “I’m the human so I’ll make the decision”, denying animals their own agency.
I’m forever thankful Mitzie had what it took to stand up to me. I’m forever remorseful I placed her in that position. It’s never power-over, it’s always kinship with.
How can you find out an animal’s name? Ask ’em. The answer may not be immediate, it might take days. As time passes, are there any names that start to ‘nudge’ you? Recognize, appreciate and honor the signals you receive as you go through this process. Start calling them by a name, that top nudge, and witness how they respond to you.
My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. I invite you to look at your relationship with animals differently, so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you, allowing you to identify your internalized narratives and guiding principles with animals.
Janet Roper is a podcaster, intuitive practitioner and mentor who for 20+ years has helped people restructure their relationship with animals. Two of her most popular resources are her monthly newsletter and her podcast True Kinship With Animals. Visit her website to learn more.